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The reports here focus on the success and outcomes of ÖØ¿ÚζSM students. They include reports on graduation​ rates, retention, and the educational activities of our undergraduate alumni. Additional outcomes of ÖØ¿ÚζSM graduates are also posted on the  website.

All of the documents below are in a PDF format and open in a new window unless otherwise indicated.

Alumni Outcomes

Alumni Outcomes Overview

2019 Alumni Follow-Up Survey Undergraduate Outcomes Sheet

Graduation Rate Reports

​Graduation Rate Trends of Incoming Freshmen

Student-Right-to-Know Graduation Rate Reporting, 2024

Graduation Rate Trends of Incoming Transfer Students

Graduate-Level Graduation Rate Report, 2024

Retention Rate Reports

New Freshmen Retention Rate Trends Through Fall 2022

Incoming Transfer Student Retention Rate Trends Through Fall 2022

Subsequent Enrollment of Rosary College of Arts and Sciences (RCAS) Graduates

Subsequent Enrollment of FY08–FY18 Undergraduate Completers

Additional reports, including historical versions of the ones presented here, are available in the (login required), accessible to ÖØ¿ÚζSM community members only.