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Mathematics students at ÖØ¿ÚζSM have the opportunity to distinguish themselves with special honors, in two ways: by pursuing a degree with distinction or by joining ÖØ¿ÚζSM’s Mazzuchelli Scholars Honors Program.

Degree with Distinction

As with all majors and programs at ÖØ¿ÚζSM, students may complete a mathematics degree with distinction. Qualified students apply in the fall of their junior year to ÖØ¿ÚζSM’s Degree with Distinction program.

Students in the program work with faculty mentors to produce an original creative or critical work, which is reviewed by a university-wide committee. Students present their work in the spring as part of ÖØ¿ÚζSM's Scholarship and Ideas Expo; some students also present their work at local and national conferences. Students who successfully complete the requirements earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science with Distinction in Mathematics.

Students in ÖØ¿ÚζSM’s Honors Program also may do a project in mathematics as part of the requirements for a degree with honors. 

Honors Program

Students who want to challenge themselves in courses beyond those in their major are encouraged to apply to join ÖØ¿ÚζSM’s Mazzuchelli Scholars Honors Program. Some students are invited when they are accepted to ÖØ¿ÚζSM; others apply for sophomore entry to the program.

All students in the Honors Program take an honors seminar course each year. In addition, students participate in various co-curricular activities on campus as part of the honors community. To remain active in the Honors Program, students must maintain a GPA of 3.30.

There are two paths to graduating as part of the Honors Program: students may either take additional honors courses or complete an Honors Project. Students who complete an Honors Project present their work at the Scholarship and Ideas Expo.