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Students in the Department of Computer Science at ÖØ¿ÚζSM have many opportunities to participate in departmental events and activities, including the Technology Club and Programming Contests.

Technology Club

The Technology Club provides opportunities for students to socialize, attend lectures and events, and participate in discussions about computers, networks and software. The club’s mission is to promote a sense of community among computer enthusiasts at ÖØ¿ÚζSM, and all interested students are welcome to join.

Members are encouraged to join the , the premier professional organization in the computer science field. Discounted memberships are available to students and provide access to a , including e-books, tutorials and networking.

The Technology Club sponsors a variety of activities, such as field trips to visit computing facilities and expert talks on computing-related topics. Members have also organized social events including computer gaming nights and pizza parties. Technology Club members often serve as tutors in the Technology Center, earning money to fund the club’s activities.

Programming Contests

Each February, the , a consortium of 15 private local liberal arts colleges, sponsors a computer programming competition at the campus of one of its member schools.

Each school can field a novice team and an advanced team. Many ÖØ¿ÚζSM computer science students look forward to the competition as a rewarding challenge.

Another highlight is the annual conference of the , held each autumn. ÖØ¿ÚζSM faculty members often take a small group of students to compete in the Consortium’s programming contest and attend workshops.