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“Relationship is at the heart of ministry.” These sacred words from the Sinsinawa ؿζSM Sisters undergird our life together. Our shared ministry is education. Each year so many people come together in the spirit of learning to reflect on our life together and in the world. We are so thankful to those who have taken on the planning, design and execution of the Academic Convocation, the Caritas Veritas Symposium, and the Community Celebration that follows our convening and study. We are especially grateful to: 

  • The symposium presenters for their reflection, scholarship and preparations
  • The ؿζSM Stars for their supportive work  
  • Our colleagues in Athletics, Auxiliary Services, Dining Services, External Engagement, University Ministry, Information Technology, the Office of the Provost, Marketing & Communication, the Performing Arts Center, the President’s Office, Physical Plant, the PASOS Network and Student Success and Engagement  
  • Those who led prayer and show us by your example how equity and justice are at the heart of mission 

And, the leadership teams:

Planning Committee  

Julie Bach
Rahel Bokretsion  
Molly Burke
Rachel Hart Winter 
Susan McDonough
Anthony Krafnick
Melizabeth Santos

Logistics Committee  

Ellen Alamilla
Sam Barr
Dave Carlson  
Christine Chorostecki  
Jess Daniels
Omar Diaz  
Debbie Dibbern  
Rachel Hart Winter  
Rachel Jantz  
Deb Kash 
Tara Segal
Tyler Stibal
Tara Walker
Hannah Wald

The Caritas Veritas Symposium is generously sponsored by the Helen Brach Foundation.