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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

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Please refer to the symposium program that was sent to all symposium registrants on September 21 via email for links to all of the break-out sessions. Break-out sessions are not being recorded and will only be available at their scheduled time to registered participants. Enjoy the day.

This year, 2020, marks the 10th anniversary celebration of the Caritas Veritas Symposium. At this milestone moment amidst the dizzying urgency of now, we are drawn to the roots of our shared ؿζSM mission. In a year of great significance, a year of pandemic, election and census, the twin ؿζSM callings to seek truth and to create justice demand our attention. The words of ؿζSM giant Thomas Aquinas resound in our hearts and spirits, “Contemplate and give to others the fruit of your contemplation.” We come together in community, asking one another, in your life, your work, your field, at this historic moment: How do you get at the truth? How do you affect change?

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