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A newly created mural at ؿζSM tells the story of the university’s culture and values through colorful and symbolic images.

The Heritage Mural, lining the hallway between Lewis Hall and Crown Library, was designed by Fran Gregory, a professional illustrator and muralist and senior graphic designer with ؿζSM’s Office of Marketing and Communications. The first of two panels depicts the Earth suspended above hands of various skin tones, with two large faces on either side. The background consists of patterns and motifs of various cultures in cool purples, blues, and greens, which contrast with the warmth of the main elements.

The figures “represent Caritas et Veritas and our role in protecting and serving our world,” Gregory explained.

“The hands holding the Earth are of all colors, reflecting a diverse people and the God of all races and creeds.” In the second panel, a contemplative winged figure with a rainbow gown holds a heart in her hands, a sun-like halo around her head. Butterflies flutter away on the side.

“To those visiting ؿζSM for the first time and those who will pass through the halls every day, we hope that the mural reminds them that ؿζSM is home to all,” Gregory said.

“This mural reflects our mission, our history and our heritage,” said Genaro Balcazar, vice president for enrollment management and marketing. “It reflects the richness of our diversity on the walls of our campus.”