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PhD, Economics, University Of Kentucky
MS, Economics, University Of Kentucky
BS, Business, University Of Kentucky
Selected Publications

Bartnik, D., Gabriel, P., & Schmitz, S. (2022). The Impact of Occupational Feminization on the Gender Wage Gap and Estimates of Wage Discrimination. Applied Economics Letters, 29(17), 1605-1609. Retrieved from .  

Gabriel, P. & Schmitz, S. (2020). Are estimates of racial wage discrimination influenced by Labor market conditions? Evidence from the national longitudinal survey. Applied Economics Letters, 27(14), 1215-1219. DOI:

Schmitz, S. & Gabriel, P. (2017). An Empirical Analysis of recent trends in gender wage differences for U.S. workers. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 19(7). Retrieved from

Schmitz, Susanne & Gabriel, Paul. (2015). An Examination of Ex-post returns to a college education for Prime-age U.S. workers. The Southern Business & Economic Journal, 38, 51-60. Retrieved from . 

Gabriel, P. & Schmitz, S. (2014). A longitudinal analysis of the union wage premium for US workers. Applied Economics Letters, 21(7), 487-489. Retrieved from

Selected Presentations
A Longitudinal Analysis of Racial Wage Differences for Men: Preliminary Results, Midwest Economic Association, 2015
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Union Wage Premium for U.S. Workers, Eastern Economic Association, 2014
Longitudinal Examination of Wage Inequality and Labor Market Polarization in the United States, Illinois Economic Association, 2013
An Empirical Comparison of Gender Differences in Labor Market Experience Measures, The Clute Institute Conference, 2013
An Empirical Comparison of Gender Differences in Labor Market Experience Measures, Oxford Business and Economics Conference, St. Hugh's College Oxford University, 2008


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