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JD, University of Notre Dame
MTax, University of Tulsa
BA, University of Notre Dame
Research Interests

Tax Pedagogy

Financial Statement Analysis

Selected Publications

Walstra, R., Drougas, A., & Harrington, S. (2015). Integrating Excel, SQL, and SPSS within an Introductory Finance Intrinsic Value Assignment. AABRI Journal of Finance and Accountancy, 20.  Retrieved from .  

Harrington, S., Walstra, R., & Drougas, A. (2015). Enhancing Tax Analysis Skills through Excel-Based Scenarios (A. Nellen, Ed.). The Tax Adviser. Retrieved from . 

Walstra, R., Harrington, S., & Drougas, A. (2014). Developing Financial Competencies within the Business Curriculum: A Deferred Tax Assignment. AABRI Journal of Finance and Accountancy, 15. Retrieved from . 

Harrington, S., Drougas, A., & Walstra, R. (2012). The ABCs of Acquisitive Reorganizations (A. Nellen, Ed.). The Tax Adviser. Retrieved from . 

Drougas, A., Walstra, R., & Harrington, S. (2012). An Interactive Approach to Teaching WACC Concepts in an Introductory Finance Class. AABRI Journal of Finance and Accountancy, 11. Retrieved from .  

Drougas, A., Harrington, S., & Miller, J. (2011). Incorporating a Practical Financial Accounting Example into an Introductory Statistics Course. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 12, 121-136. Retrieved from .  


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