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Ph.D., Social Work, Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work, July 2023
Master, Social Work Program (MSW), Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work, December 2022
Master, Sociology, Loyola University Chicago, December 2016
Bachelor, Sociology and Criminology, ؿζSM, January 2015
Certificates and Licensures
Licensed Social Worker (LSW) Clinical licensure issued by State of Illinois
Restorative Justice Peace Circle Keeper Certificate, Community Justice for Youth Institute, February 2017
Selected Publications

Lee, S., Tyson, K. M, Sorenson, B., Wynn, N., & Miller, K.M. (under review). Towards a Theory of Resistance for an Emancipatory Social Work. Journal of Progressive Human Service.

Tyson McCrea, K., Miller, K.M., Donnely, W., Moore, A., Watson, H., & Richards, M. (under review). A qualitative study of instructor supports adolescent mentors of community children regard as valuable in the context of U.S. communities of color experiencing low-income. Journal of Social Work Practice.

Tyson McCrea, K., Miller, K.M., Moore, A., Richards, M., Wilkins, K., Watson, H., Smith, T., & Denton, D. (under review). Supporting adolescent mentors’ fulfillment in their cross-age mentoring roles: Youth voices in urban, high-poverty, high-crime communities of color. Journal of Community Psychology. 

Tyson McCrea, K., Wilkins, K., Richards, M., Onyeka, O., Miller, K., DiClemente, C., Moore, A., Watson, H., Gillis-Harry, K., Jenkins, G., and Williams, N. (accepted). “We got to stand up and speak”: Youth in high-poverty, high-crime urban communities of color reflect on their cross-age mentoring program. Children and Youth Services Review.

Miller, K.M., Tyson McCrea, K., Sarna, V., Donnelly, W., Fitzgibbons, G., Kessler, J., Onyeka, O., Matthews, C., Richards, M., Daniels, E., and Denton, D. (accepted). “A bond as strong as a lock and chain”: Photovoice as a human rights-based window into youths’ theories of helping and experiences of cross-age mentoring in low-income urban communities of color. Qualitative Research in Psychology.

Selected Presentations
Tyson McCrea, K., Gillespie, K., Moore, A., Miller, K., & Watson, H. (2024). Allyship: An Incubator for St. Part. Research with Racially Marginalized Urban Youth. AJCU. Faith, Justice, & Recon. Ass.: Creation of a Hope-Filled Future. Chicago, IL.
Tyson McCrea, K., Miller, K.M., Ayalew, Y.D. (2024). Using Participatory Methods to Optimize Social Work Practice and Advance Cognitive and Social Justice. The 20th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign, IL.
Tyson McCrea, K., Davis, L., Moore, A., Miller, K., & Watson, H. (2023). Youth violence understood from inside and outside. The Association for Psychoanalytic Clinical Social Work Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Ayalew, Y.D. & Miller, K.M. (2023). Supporting youth resilience in under-resourced communities with digital out-of-school programs (OSPs). The 3rd International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Conference on Education, Research & Innovation. Washington, D.C.
Tyson McCrea, K., Miller, K.M., Moore, A., Watson, H., and Williams, S. (2023). Towards allyship: Creating and sustaining uni.-com. part. to dev. opp. for engaging youth exp. multiple disadvantages. IAFOR. Conf. on Ed., Res., & Inn. Washington, D.C.
Selected Conferences
Toward Critical Resistance in Abolitionist Social Work: Possibilities, Paradox, and Praxis, January 2024
Tri-City Exchange: Anti-Oppressive, Anti-Racist Social Work Practice, February 2023
Awards and Grants
Doctoral Research Associate Merit Scholarship, Full tuition ($22,000/academic school year), stipend ($28,000/academic school year), health and dental insurance per year for three years, August 2019- present
Miller, K.M. (March 2024). After School Matters: Summer funding for 2024, community-based after school program. Belmont Cragin, Chicago
2023 Faculty Summer Research Grant ($3,000), ؿζSM Faculty Development Committee
Miller, K.M. & Tyson McCrea, K. (February 2023). After School Matters: Summer funding for 2023, community-based after school program. Near West Side, Chicago.
2022 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Doctoral Student Travel Award, $500 award and conference registration costs covered, December 2021


ؿζSM faculty and staff, .