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PhD, English, University of California, Irvine
MA, English, University of California, Irvine
BA, English, University of California, Los Angeles
Selected Publications

(n.d.). Growing Up Evangelical, Chinese, and Depressed: Fractures of Race and Mental Illness [Unpublished manuscript].

(2021). A poem from a daughter to her father. Stella Veritatis.

(2020). Writing, Literature, and Recovery. La Tolteca, 2.0(8). Retrieved from

Hseu, J. (2019). Growing Up Shiseido: Chain Stores, Beauty Magazines, and Whitening Cream. Riksha: Asian American Creative Arts in Action. Retrieved from

Hseu, J. (2017). Hseu Family Names. Kartika Review. Retrieved from

Selected Presentations
Story, “Everything I Know about Race, Gender, and Sex, I Learned from Duran Duran,” Pour One Out hosted by Ada Cheng, Volumes Bookstore, Chicago, September 2023
Group Performance, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective, APIDA Arts Festival, Goodman Theatre, May 2023
Panelist, “What Is An English Department at a Hispanic-Serving Institution?,” Annual Conference of MELUS (Multiethnic Literature of the US), April 2023, Indianapolis, IN
Introduction (in Spanish) of Ana Castillo poetry reading, Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba, March 2023. Poem reading, FLASCO
Presentation on Writing and Publishing Stories, Taiwanese American Junior Chamber of Commerce, Zoom, March 2023
Awards and Grants
Sabbatical, ؿζSM, Spring 2024
Sabbatical, ؿζSM, Spring 2017
Sr. Clemente Davlin Leadership Award in Diversity and Social Justice, Fall 2016
Thompson Senior Thesis Award, University of California, Los Angeles


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