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Erica Ottis, Pharm.D., BCPS
Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Dr. Ottis completed her Pharm.D. at St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 2008. She then completed a PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency at Regional Medical Center in Memphis, Tennessee. She is currently a clinical associate professor at the UMKC School of Pharmacy program in Columbia, Missouri, and practices at University Hospital specializing in Internal Medicine. Her scholarly interests include interprofessional education and collaborative practice, designing and managing curriculum and simulation-based learning. 


PharmD, St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Research Interests

Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Curricular Assessment

Selected Publications

Summerside, N., Blakeney, E., Brashers, V., Dyer, C., Hall, L., Owen, J., Ottis, E., Odegard, P., Haizlip, J., Liner, D., Moore, A., & Zierler, B. (2023). Early outcomes from a national Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37(sup1), S41-S44 DOI: 

Brownfield, A., Ottis, E., & Ruehter, V. (2022). Extending the Curricular Course Review Process to Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 86(5). Article 9171.

Ruehter, V., Ottis, E., & Graham, M. (2022). Moving Online: An Interprofessional Telehealth Simulation Incorporating Standardized Patients and Physicians. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 86(5). Article 9171.

Blakeney, E., Owen, J., Ottis, E., Brashers, V., Summerside, N., Haizlip, J., Dyer, C., Hall, L., & Zierler, B. (2021). Measuring the impact of the national Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program (T3-ITDP) on the implementation of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 24. Retrieved from

Ottis, E., Luetkenhaus, K., Micheas, L., & Dyer, C. (2021). Assessing team communication with patients’ families: Findings from utilizing the Communication Assessment Tool—Team (CAT-T) in an interprofessional error disclosure simulation. Patient Education and Counseling, 104(9), 2292-2296. Retrieved from


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