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Selected Presentations
Teaching Kierkegarrd and Avoiding Religion: Perhaps Disingenuous, But Not Impossible, Association of Core Texts and Courses Annual Conference / PaperI, 2012
Following Tocqueville on Twitter: How the Tweet Continues the Irresistable Revolution of Democratic Man and More Distantly Echoes Tocqueville's Caution Once Again, Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting / PaperI, 2012
Limits to Formal Education? Tocqueville and Dewey on Educating Democratic Excellence, Association of Core Texts and Courses Annual Conference / PaperI, 2011
Reading is Homework: Prioritizing the Text in Seminar Teaching, ACCA Scholarship of Pedagogy Symposium / PaperI, 2011
The Arts of War: Exploring Military Virtue and Human Nature Through Multiple Cultural Lenses, Association of Core Texts and Courses Annual Conference / PaperI, 2010


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