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Partnership is a hallmark of a ؿζSM education. We intentionally infuse our curriculum with experiential learning at every level so that our students graduate ready to tackle the world’s biggest challenges in areas of critical need. 

When you partner with us, you not only contribute to the preparation of the next generation of employees, but also have access to a diverse pool of talented students who can contribute to your organization in meaningful ways – both now and in the future. These professionals understand the nuances of culturally informed decision-making and problem-solving, which makes them stand-out hires. Fortify your employment pipeline by partnering with ؿζSM. 

We also offer opportunities to engage your staff with our exceptional professional development programs. Upskill your team’s next generation of leaders through academic opportunities and targeted trainings. Your employees can even earn college credits for certain programs. Providing access to credentialing opportunities stands to bolster employee retention and satisfaction. 

Let’s start a partnership exploration conversation. Here are some examples of how we can work together: 

Partnership Opportunities
Discounted Cohort Tuition
  • Offer your employees discounted ؿζSM tuition when you send a cohort of students to our programs.
  • Providing robust, educational benefits invites employers to “grow their own” and invest in those who are already aiding the company’s success, which stands to increase employee retention. 
Non-Degree Programming
  • ؿζSM’s experts can deliver professional development sessions, workshops and trainings for your organization.
  • In some cases, ؿζSM can even offer academic credit for professional development and training sessions to employees at partner organizations.
On-site Programming
  • ؿζSM’s experts can deliver many undergraduate programs and most graduate programs on site at your organization.
  • All degree-completion (for employees with some college but no degree) can be delivered onsite at your company or online. Similarly, employees can participate in most graduate programs online.
A symbiotic partnership

As a Sinsinawa ؿζSM sponsored institution, ؿζSM’s mission is to prepare students to pursue truth, give compassionate service and participate in the creation of a more just and humane world. This core ambition drives the work we do, the decisions we make, and the relationships in which we engage. Our commitment to supporting and furthering our mission drives the partnerships we pursue.

We are passionate about fostering meaningful educational experiences for our students and having a positive impact in our community. We value organizations that have similar aims, and we welcome partnerships that advance our shared goals.

We seek to be a resource for our partners, just as we look to our partner institutions to enhance what we can offer to our community and our students. 

Some organizations we partner with:
  • Casa Central
  • Broadview Police Department
  • Catholic Charities
  • St. Augustine College
  • Calumet College of St. Joseph

To learn more, please contact Aracelis Sanchez, Manager of Collaborative Organizational Partnerships, at asanche2@dom.edu.