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We use to help you discover great resources to find full-time jobs, part-time jobs, internships, and everything in between. Used by more than 200,000 employers, Handshake helps you take the next step toward building a great career. Handshake offers easy access to Brennan’s Career Development Program resources. In Handshake, you can:

  • View jobs and internships posted by employers who are eager to connect with you
  • Request appointments with our Executives in Residence
  • Sign up for employer events quickly and easily
  • Find out when employers are interviewing on campus
  • Receive custom recommendations tailored to your job search
Registering for a Handshake Account

As a ÖØ¿ÚζSM student, you already have access to handshake. Click on this and sign in with your university credentials for access.

Current Students and Alumni

today to complete your profile and put your best self forward to employers. Download Handshake Mobile to discover jobs on the go and to stay on track with reminders for application deadlines and direct messages from employers.

To make an appointment with an Executive in Residence
  • Go to Career Center
  • Click on Appointments
  • Schedule a new appointment
  • Brennan School of Business
  • Pick a topic you want to discuss
  • Schedule a time with the Executive of your choice!