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In this fascinating major, you’ll ask the big questions about life—and look for answers everywhere from Plato and Confucius to novels and the movies. In the process, you’ll learn to think, write, debate and analyze problems at a whole new level.

“The reasoned pursuit of wisdom”

As a philosophy major, you’ll consider such topics as the nature of knowledge and the meaning of the good life. In small classes, you’ll work side-by-side with talented faculty who will challenge you intellectually and guide you thoughtfully through your own search for understanding. You’ll sharpen your skills at critical thinking and problem solving, learn to communicate more effectively, listen more thoughtfully, and make logical, evidence-based arguments and judgments. This major will prepare you for success in graduate school as well as in a remarkable range of rewarding professions, including the law, teaching, public service, and corporate and nonprofit leadership.

More ways to learn, on campus and beyond

Practical experience is built into the curriculum. Our majors publish original research in Dialogue, the national journal of the Phi Sigma Tau honor society. The philosophy department hosts compelling guest speakers, film forums, discussion roundtables, and creates many other opportunities for lively debate on personal and professional values. You can combine academic study with compassionate service to people in need, or complete your own, hands-on research or creative project. We encourage you especially to take advantage of the university’s outstanding study abroad program. You can choose from multiple programs on four continents.

Undergraduate research is a ؿζSM trademark. We encourage students to develop their own research or creative projects (or both). You’ll enjoy full faculty support and get a chance to present your work at a lively campus expo in April. You even can apply for university grant support. It’s all part of the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Investigations Program (URSCI)—a distinctly ؿζSM initiative. URSCI also funds travel to academic and professional conferences across the U.S. Your faculty mentors will watch for opportunities that are perfect for you.

Braulio Salcedo

ؿζSM Student

“ؿζSM is providing me with a world of opportunities. I am tremendously grateful for the scholarship I received from the university. It has allowed me to have so many learning experiences and to build great friendships.”

Prepare for a life of meaning and achievement

A survey of U.S. employers by Hart Research Associates found that 93% of bosses say that “a job candidate’s demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly and solve complex problems” is the most important factor in hiring decisions. That is the essential skill set of our philosophy graduates. Our curriculum is designed to prepare you for lifelong intellectual and professional competence. After graduation, our philosophy graduates get hired faster than nearly any other major on campus. They also score higher on most graduate school entrance exams, such as the GRE, LSAT and GMAT. These graduates become thoughtful, creative professionals who are open to new ideas, skillful at verbal and written expression, and able to adapt and thrive through long and meaningful careers. They earn their way into leadership positions in the professions of their choice.

Many philosophy majors expand their professional options by completing an academic minor or second major. ؿζSM offers more than 50 minors and more than 60 majors. Frequent choices include biology, business, chemistry, criminology, education, informatics, natural science and psychology. Students also can complete the Teacher Education Program for K-12 Licensure. Offered by our outstanding School of Education, the program includes a semester of student teaching.

Patrick Quaid

ؿζSM Student

“The professors in the philosophy department and across the university are always available to help you when you need them. The whole campus community has inspired me to work toward a career where I can help people and make the world a better place.”