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Graduate students in special education take the following courses. For course descriptions, please visit the .

Course #
Course Title
Summer 2021    
EDUA 689 Introduction to Teaching and Early Field Experience 3
EDUA 689 1 Introduction to Teaching and Early Field Experience (internship) 0
SPEA 521 Exceptional Children: Characteristics and Methods for
Supporting Learning in the General Education Classroom
  Total for Summer 2021 6
Fall 2021    
SPEA 691 Assessment and Individualized Planning in SPED 3
EDUA 533 Reading/Writing Instruction and Improvement 3
SPEA 699 Seminar in Special Education .5
SPEA 706 Residency in Special Education 1
  Total for Fall 2021 7.5
Spring 2022    
SPEA 659 Managing Challenging Behavior 3
SPEA 692 Reading and Learning Strategy Instruction in Middle
and High School Content Areas
SPEA 699 Seminar in Special Education .5
SPEA 706 Residency in Special Education 1
  Total for Spring 2022 7.5
Summer 2022    
SPEA 690 Evidence Based Instruction for Students with Disabilities 3
  Total for Summer 2022 3
Fall 2022    
SPEA 664 Curriculum and Methods for Students with Moderate to
Severe Disabilities
ECEA 503 Child, Family and Community Relationships 3
SPEA 699 Seminar in Special Education .5
SPEA 706 Residency in Special Education 1
  Total for Fall 2022 7.5
Spring 2023    
EDUA 589 Cognition, Learning and Assessment 3
EDUA 566 Teaching Mathematics for Elementary and Middle Level 3
SPEA 699 Seminar in Special Education .5
SPEA 706 Residency in Special Education 1
  Total for Spring 2023 7.5
Summer 2023    
EDUA 657 Foundations of Language Minority Education 3
  Total Credits 42

2021–2023 Program of Study (pdf)