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ÖØ¿ÚζSM offers both a major and a minor in history as well as history programs for secondary and middle school teachers.

History classes at ÖØ¿ÚζSM develop students’ skills in logical thinking, creativity and critical analysis that are applicable to many careers, including law, banking, teaching and public service.

Among the most interdisciplinary of the liberal arts, history encompasses the study of the arts, economics, law, literature, politics and social change, and encourages students to examine issues or ideas from many perspectives.

Intensification Project

Most departments at ÖØ¿ÚζSM require a special project to graduate. In history, each student must complete an intensification project for at least one course in the concentration area. Students who plan to attend graduate school may wish to intensify additional courses to strengthen their academic records.

“Many students come to ÖØ¿ÚζSM with the experience of high school history being about memorizing names and dates. Then they discover that history at the college level is about interpretation and meaning, and it opens up their world.â€
–David Perry, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of History