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This major investigates life on earth. You’ll gain a broad understanding of the biological and physical sciences and prepare for a meaningful career in the health sciences, field or laboratory research, public service or teaching.

A diverse biology curriculum

In small classes, you’ll examine the workings of living organisms and the systems and processes that support life. You’ll study physiology, ecology, cell dynamics, the genetic regulation of plant and animal development, and much more. Our internships draw on the Chicago’s world-class research, cultural and medical resources. You may study marine ecology at the or advanced botany at the . This fascinating and demanding major will prepare you for success in a variety of rewarding professional fields, including health care, education and research.

Amazing opportunities—on campus and beyond

You’ll find a new home in Parmer Hall, the campus’s newest and largest building. It has 16 laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment, including a human cadaver lab, a digital cadaver
table and robotic “patients” for simulated learning. Students have the opportunity to conduct
research—on campus or at research centers such as , the
, the or . You can combine
academic study with compassionate service to people in need, or immerse yourself in a
different society and culture through our outstanding study abroad program. You’ll have your
choice from among programs on four continents.

Optional Concentrations

The includes the prerequisite courses for students interested in careers in the health sciences, such as physician, dentist, veterinarian, physician assistant and physical therapist.

The prepares students for careers in many branches of biological science. With its focus on laboratory skills and state-of-the-art techniques, this concentration is a good fit for students interested in laboratory research.

The is designed for students who wish to pursue careers in ecology, evolutionary biology or zoology, or have a strong interest in the biology of the environmental sciences.

Prepare to Teach

Biology students who wish to teach high school students can combine their major with the Teacher Education Program. Offered by our excellent , the program includes a semester of student teaching.

For International Students

This program is a STEM-designated program, which can qualify you to extend your post-graduation stay in the United States.

Mosam Amin

Biology Graduate

“The faculty and students at ؿζSM inspired me to be a better person. My goal is to become a dentist. When my career is underway, I want to give back to the university and help future students achieve their goals.”

Discover something new

Undergraduate research is a ؿζSM trademark. You won’t have to wait until graduate school to collaborate with a brilliant faculty scholar. You can even apply for special funding from the university to support your original research. Our annual research expo in April gives you a chance to practice your presentation skills and show your stuff. Topics of recent student projects include:

  • Yeast and Bacterial Genetics
  • Behavior Genetics
  • Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Prepare for leadership in rewarding fields

A strong foundation in the biological sciences is great preparation for the professional world, graduate school or both. Whether you plan a career in teaching, research, medicine or public service, ؿζSM will provide you with the knowledge, skills and experiences you’ll need to achieve your goals. Our curriculum is designed to prepare you for lifelong service and achievement. Our graduates are thoughtful, open to new ideas, experienced in the lab, proficient with the latest technologies and able to adapt and thrive through long and meaningful careers. They have earned their way into leadership positions in the professions of their choice.

Michele Carvajal

Biology Graduate

“The faculty at ؿζSM were amazing. I really valued my relationships with them. They believed in me, were passionate about their subjects and shared their deep knowledge with their students.”