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Accommodations and Disability Access supports students with disabilities in obtaining reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access in the classroom, online learning environments, and the campus community. We also advocate for accessibility and understanding on campus, work as a liaison between students with disabilities and their faculty, provide consultation and training for faculty and staff, and support students in developing self-advocacy skills.

The ADA department supports individuals with medical conditions, physical impairments, psychological disorders, hearing or vision impairments, temporary injuries or conditions like pregnancy, as well as individuals who may be neurodivergent, such as those with learning disabilities, ADHD, anxiety, or those on the autism spectrum.

With respect for time for implementation, no new academic accommodations will be granted with less than one month remaining in a semester. This will be the case as of April 5, 2024. Please reach out to the ADA office with any questions.

Four students ealkiong on campus
Student Resources

Students with disabilities should request accommodations, submit documentation, and attend an intake meeting to determine eligibility. Here you can request accommodations and find other resources. Learn more.

Faculty Resources

ÖØ¿ÚζSM is committed to creating a learning environment that is accessible and meets the needs of a diverse student body. Find accessibility tools for the classroom, syllabi statement, and helpful FAQs. Learn more.

Campus Accessibility

Prospective students, guests, and other individuals with accessibility needs can find resources for navigating the campus and request accommodations for events. Learn more.