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Caritas et Veritas: Foundation of a Good Life?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

With the 2016 Caritas Veritas Symposium, ؿζSM continues its celebration of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Order of Preachers. We bring all members of the university community together to consider values—namely love and truth--foundational to ؿζSM life and mission and ask, what are their roles in the creation or discovery of “The Good Life”? From professional, personal, religious, civic and scholarly points of view, what do we imagine the good life to be? How does one live a good life?

Live at Caritas Veritas

  •  - Opening Plenary
  •  - Don't Live a Good Life, Just Live a Life - Caritas Veritas 2016
  •  - What Does it Mean to Care? 
  •  - The Good Life
  •  - Reflections on Borderlands
  •  - Bananas Are Great, But So is A Good Life!
  •  - Jane Hseu - 2016 Sr. Clemente Diversity Leadership Award 
  •  - Convocation

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